Load Tables
Static Load Table

In applications where the article being transferred is dropped onto the Power Moller, reduce static load limits in the above table by 50% to compensate for the increased forces generated from impact. As the load limit will vary considerably in accordance with the intensity of impact, allow a substantial margin of safety.
Impact Loading
Change in Transporting Speed
The peripheral velocity (transportation speed) of the Power Moller is dependent upon the weight and material composition of the load as well as the ambient temperature. Please contact your Itoh Denki representative for additional technical information.
Care should be taken to avoid exposing the Power Moller too excessive shock as a result of drastic load speed changes with-in a line or between adjoining lines. Although depending on the weight and speed of the load, typically no harm is done by load speed changes within 50% of nominal Power Moller speed. Also slave driving idlers and load weights can have an effect on the speed of the Power Moller.